My little Children are a Joy, a Love,
A good Gift from above!
But what is Bliss, that still calls up a Woe,
And makes it doubly keen
Compelling me to feel, as well as know,
What a most blessed Lot mine might have been,
Those little Angel Children (woe is me!)
There have been hours when feeling how they bind
And pluck out the Wing-feathers of my mind,
Turning my Error to Necessity,
I have half-wish'd they never had been born!
That seldom! but sad Thoughts they always bring,
And like the Poet's Philomel, I sing
My Love-song, with my breast against a Thorn.
Samuel Taylor Coleridge
From Dejection - A Letter
ure so sweet.
lil children. lil angels.
lil hearts.
Irna, thanks for nice words. Did you feel my polite touches on your cheek? hahaha, thought the copmuter could transmit it;-) NO, it's not X, am talking about, it's this parental feeling which sets this purism between us.
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