Monday, July 31, 2006


A Day Dream 15

'Twas day! But now few, large, and bright
The stars are round the crescent moon!
And now it is a dark warm night,
The balmiest of the month of June!
A glow-worm fallen, and on the marge remounting
Shines and its shadow shines, fit stars for our sweet fountain.

Sunday, July 30, 2006


A Day Dream 10

A wild-rose roofs the ruined shed,
And that and summer well agree:
A lo! Where Mary leans her head,
Two dear names carved upon the tree!
And Mary’s tears, they are not tears of sorrow:
Our sister and our friend will both be here to-morrow.

Friday, July 28, 2006


A Day Dream 5

My eyes make pictures, when they are shut:-
I see a fountain, large and fair,
A willow and a ruined hut,
And thee, and me and Mary there,
O Mary! make thy gentle lap our pillow!
Bend o'er us, like a bower, my beautiful green willow!

Monday, July 03, 2006


I feel my spirit moved,
And whereso'er thou be,
O Sister! O Beloved!
Those dear mild eyes, that see
Even now the Heaven, I see--
There is a Prayer in them! It is for me--
And I, dear Sara, I am blessing thee!

From Dejection, A Letter, Sellected Pomes of S.T.Coleridge. Read his bio, Quotes and Insights at

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